Requirements: G3 or faster Mac, Mac OS X 10.2 or later
Now you can do work without lifting a finger—well, almost. If you’ve got a modem or your Bluetooth cell phone is connected to your Mac, this app can dial any number listed in your Mac OS X Address Book for you with a single click. If you’ve got a regular phone, the app can play touch tones through your Mac’s speaker, which will make any touch-tone phone dial that number.
Requirements: Power Mac, Mac OS 9.x, Internet access
Named for a famous writer (Mrs. Welty), Eudora is one of the oldest names in the email biz. Unregistered, this freeware version operates in Sponsored mode—it lacks some of the bells and whistles of the full version and includes a relatively unobtrusive advertising window, but what do you want for nothing? If you want more, you can upgrade from this version to Paid mode, gaining all the features, like spam filtering and more.
Requirements: G3 or faster Mac, Mac OS X 10.0 or later, Internet access
Named for a famous writer (Mrs. Welty), Eudora is one of the oldest names in the email biz. Unregistered, this freeware version operates in Sponsored mode—it lacks some of the bells and whistles of the full version and includes a relatively unobtrusive advertising window, but what do you want for nothing? If you want more, you can upgrade from this version to Paid mode, gaining all the features, like spam filtering and more.
Requirements: Power Mac, Mac OS 9.x or OS X 10.0 or later
This handy tool helps you organize all of your Internet bookmarks and access them via a system-wide menu, through your browser’s menu bar, or from the Dock. Just drag the hypertext links from your favorite browser, email address book, FTP sites, newservers, Telnet hosts, and more to the app—all bookmarks can then be shared across any browser or other app. Then click on any link (bookmark, email addy, server address, or what have you) and URL Manager will launch the related application.